Thursday, July 24, 2008


I've been at home sick for the past three days :( which sucks an extra lot cause there's no sick pay as a contractor :'( The first couple of days I was mostly bedridden..drugged up on the remainder of my supply of nyquil..Must ask my mom to send me more.. no doubt i'll need it. OH, except for the fact that the cold meds here are supposed to be really potent and awesome, containing codeine? i think? And they grill you pretty hard at the pharmacy before they give it to you, cause apparently you can turn this stuff into worse drugs...

Anyway, so yeah, i started to feel better today. And while I wish I could have used all the free time in a more productive way, I just wasnt up to it. I managed to print out a bunch of images, though, and arrange them on a bulletin board I'd sprayed black a few days ago. I got 7 of them, actually, and plan to fill my study with these boards and post up pictures of things i love, including people, artworks and inspirations, and directly in front of my work desk i want to post reference and relevant images to whatever project I happen to be working on. This sort of thing excites me :) It's a fairly cheap and quick way to make this empty room more personal. Go me. So the pic above is full of a bunch of images i've collected over time, and It makes me incredibly happy to see them printed out and displayed. They're no longer just files in my computer that i have to look at one at a time, once in a while. :) :) ah..simple pleasures...

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